Sunday, May 11, 2008


I am going to get a PSP...I want...
I'm still waiting for the reply from Nokia... I want the job there... I am dying to go over... Please hire me... Argh...
Back to PSP... I want lavenda colour... Who want to subsidy me... Haha... Joking... Going to get the orginal one first... My manager is going to lend me his UMD for the PSP to play first... But only after I got my PSP lah... Intending to get one RPG game for my PSP... Haha... Planing liao... Not going to modify it... Buy orginal test first then once everything is ok... then I will modify it... Or maybe not... Depends ba... I am going to be so broke man...
My $100... Where are you??? I can't find my 100 bucks... Not sure where I've left it... Did I actually drop it??? Not likely... But where did I actually place it in my house??? Argh... My money...

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